Casole d'Elsa

“Casole no abbia vicario ma in luogo di quello abbia podestà e sia capitano della Montagnuola e abbia al governo le infrascritte terre con gli infrascritti salari: Casole ogni sey mesi fral salario del vicario e per l’ofitio del capitano lire centovinti”.
Casole d’Elsa, the ancient “Casula” meaning house or cabin, dominates a vast territory between the hills of Val d’Elsa and Montagnola Senese. Ancient towns such as Mensano, Monteguidi, Pievescola and Marmoraia bear witness to their Etruscan origins and the strategic interest that this city had in medieval times, first as the feud of the Bishops of Volterra and secondly under the rule of Siena. Casole city halls, its round towers, the impregnable Rocca, the Pretorio Palace and the Collegiata di Santa Maria Assunta carry the mark of its importance in a vibrant era from every point of view. Today, the vivacity of the modern city of Casole and its territory offer the visitor many opportunities from an historical, naturalistic and artistic point of view: Casole d’Elsa hosts in its old town various contemporary, open air art works. Numerous activities are available for hospitality and cultural initiatives like the Praesepium, the spectacular nativity play awarded as one of the most beautiful in Italy. This medieval town has also received the Orange Flag of the Touring Club award and, with “Terre di Casole Bike Hub”, it constitutes an appreciated destination in the heart of Tuscany. Among the typical products are salami, wine and mushrooms, as well as honey and the Casole apple, the latter also mentioned in Decameron by Boccaccio.
There are four bike routes starting from Casole d'Elsa towards Pievescola, Montagnola, Monteriggioni and Colle di Val d’Elsa. Casole is the point of big interest for three big Grand Tours: the “GT Valdelsa-Valdicecina”, the “GT della Vernaccia” and the “GT della Val di Merse”. Two circular routes of great interest that originate in Valdicecina identify Casole as one of their unmissable destinations: the “Volterra/Casole”road ring and the gravel one of the “Riserva Berignone e Tatti”.