“Isabella forse in quell'ora viaggiava per Volterra, a traverso le crete della Valdera, a traverso le biancane sterili; vedeva di là dalla collina gessosa riapparire all'improvviso su la sommità del monte come su l'orlo d'un girone dantesco il lungo lineamento murato e turrito, la città di vento e di macigno.”
For more than three thousand years, the city of Volterra, founded by the Etruscans, dominates from the top of its hill the below creeks and the valleys of the Cecina and the Era. Heart of Tuscany, Volterra has been an Etruscan capital, flourishing Roman town hall and powerful medieval city. Over time, various populations have settled in the city and so have blossomed priceless works of art and true masterpieces. The double wall surrounding the city (Etruscan and medieval), the Etruscan Acropolis and the Roman Theater, the Porta all’Arco, the Priori Palace, the Cathedral and the Etruscan Museum Guarnacci are just a few of the places that deserve a visit consumed without haste, just like the artisan shops where the art of the alabaster masters is exhibited and passed down.
Out of the city the nature, with its famous “Balze”, is the one to surprise the visitor that can not miss an excursion to the Badia di San Giusto and to the village-castle of Montemiccioli. In the area surrounding Volterra, one can admire the contemporary sculptures by Mauro Staccioli thanks to the project of environmental art “Volterra: luoghi d’esperienza 1973-2009”. Finally, it is also advisable to visit the Saline di Volterra with its precious historical salt deposits and the suggestive salt waterfall.
For a genuine meal it is recommended to order the good Pecorino of Balze Volterrane DOP and a dish seasoned with the fragrant Marzuolo truffle.
From Volterra it is advisable to take an inviting cycle tour on the road that leads to Casole d'Elsa, the tour “Volterra – Casole” or to choose a gravel path called “Tour Volterra -Montecatini Val di Cecina”. The “Grand Tour Valdelsa-Valdicecina”, the “Green Fondo Paolo Bettini” and the “Francigena mare” can also be taken from Volterra, just as the beautiful off-road route “Anello della Riserva Berignone e Tatti” can offer great emotions.