
Regione: Toscana Distretto: Terre del Benessere Ambito: Valdelsa Valdicecina

“From the top of the Rocca Sillana in Pomarance, you can see the entire valley. At sunset, the sky turns pink. It really feels as if you are seeing the soul of the Earth from the sphere of the stars…”.

(Margherita Hack)

This world capital of geothermal energy, an ancient Etruscan and medieval village, presents itself to visitors in its authentic form, rich in historical landmarks and surrounded by unspoiled nature. Highlights include the flourishing Monterufoli forest and the clear waters of the Cecina river, where you can take a dip near the legendary “Masso delle Fanciulle.” This vast area, marked by fumaroles, lakes, and small geysers, so many that it is known as the “Valle del Diavolo”, is rich in villages and impregnable fortresses, starting with the Rocca Sillana Castle, visible from afar on an impervious hilltop. San Dalmazio, Micciano, Montegemoli, Montecerboli, Lustignano, and Serrazzano form a network of must-visit villages, along with Larderello, home of the fascinating Museo della Geotermia. 

For those who would like to linger between the streets of the main town, can do so by admiring the three doors, San Dalmazio square, Casa Bicocchi, the Renaissance palaces and the great palace of the Larderel, a family of industrial workers from Livorno of French origin which started the exploitation of natural steam present in the territory, just as one of the the open air sculptures by Mauro Staccioli. Situated inside the industrial village of Larderello, the Museo della Geotermia is also worth a visit. 

The Montegemoli bread and the Ricciarello Pomarancino are typical products of the area, together with the Agnello Pomarancino, a protected breed of sheep that lives in the rough hilly pastures and is recognized as a Slow Food presidium. 

Pomarance is the center of paths and cycle-touristic events that interest all of the Valdicecina. It is the main place to start from in routes like the “Green Fondo Bettini”, “ I Tornanti del Diavolo” and the “Anello Canneto+Montecatini Gello”, but also an important landmark for the “Anello Volterra – Casole d’Elsa”and the “Grand Tour Valdelsa-Valdicecina”. The itinerary of the “Francigena Mare” crosses the territory of Pomarance, while two gravel routes have this location as their absolute protagonist: “Anello della Riserva Berignone e Tatti” and “Tour della Geotermia e dei Parchi”. 


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