Route of 84 km with an elevation gain of 1.276 meters. These are the roads where Paolo Bettini, multiple World and Olympic Champion in cycling, used to train and that brought to him his great successes. The route crosses the geothermal territory, touching its most vital and historically important centre, Larderello. Many are the other ancient and characteristic medieval towns, rich in vapors and peaceful roads full of curves and ups and downs, like Serranzano and Canneto. To make it more accessible to everyone you can choose to cover this route in a two day trip with an overnight stop in Canneto or in Casino di Terra. An advice: take a look at where La Sassa is situated on the map since a stop in this suggestive village is of great interest.
A legend says that the meeting between San Pietro and Christ the Redeemer would have happened in the woods of Montalpruno in Botro della Canonica. The mark left by Christ on a rock testifies its truth. It is also advisable to make a detour towards Lustignano, headquarter of the Consorzio dell'Agnello Pomarancino.
Itinerario e Tappe
Fino a Serrazzano, importante castello della zona boracifera, si sale per arrivare ai 525 metri sul livello del mare. Canneto, altro suggestivo borgo fortificato, si incontra dopo il trentesimo chilometro a due passi da Monteverdi Marittimo e non lontano dai resti della Badia di San Pietro in Palazzolo, un antico monastero, prima benedettino, poi vallombrosano ed oggi “luogo del cuore” del FAI.