Castelnuovo Val di Cecina

Regione: Toscana Distretto: Terre del Benessere Ambito: Valdelsa Valdicecina

“Bolliva e soffiava come se per entro vi salisse l’ansito e il gorgoglio dei dannati fitti nel limo, come se nel fondo vi s’agitasse la mischia perpetua degli iracondi”.

(Gabriele D’Annunzio - Forse che sì forse che no”).

The historical Repetti describes the town of Castelnuovo Val di Cecina as “planted between two deep canals, by the key of two opposite valleys and at the crossing of two different branches of mountains from where the imposing scene that sees in a diameter of few miles puff from the bowels of the earth mofete, bulicami, solfatare and mineral waters and pyrites is presented…”.

Recognizable by its original grape cluster shape, Castelnuovo is the favourite destination of many nature lovers, who can choose between the numerous itineraries in the deep, chestnut woods and the discovery of the fumaroles and the putizze, suggestive geothermal phenomena. From the alleys of the ancient medieval village to the Valle del Diavolo and Sasso Pisano with the Etruscan-Roman baths of Bagnone, the experience is a succession of surprises and emotions to be suitably bathed with the wine of Montecastelli IGT and the craft beer of Sasso Pisano, realized with the help of the geothermal energy that originates in the subsoil of Castelnuovo Val di Cecina, without missing a taste of excellent extra virgin olive oil. To be experienced is the emotion of a dive in the warm waters of the "Biolago" of Sasso Pisano.

Two are the itineraries on the road of great charm, which grant access in Castelnuovo Val di Cecina: “Green Fondo Paolo Bettini” and the tour “I tornanti del Diavolo”. Naturally, the territory is the protagonist of the “Grand Tour Valdelsa-Valdicecina” and the suggestive gravel route called “Anello della Riserva Berignone e Tatti”.


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