Castelnuovo Berardenga

Video Hub Castelnuovo Berardenga
"Whence I to him: The slaughter and great carnage
Which have with crimson stained the Arbia, cause
Such orisons in our temple to be made."
Berardenga is the most classical of modern Tuscany’s lands, a microcosm in two wings: the Granduca’s butterfly. Soft hills in a sea of parishes, historical villas and castles immersed in a variety of landscapes marked by agricultural art: from Chianti, Senese hills and the Crete, to the Valdambra, overseen by Siena in the distance. Longly disputed by Florence and Siena, the Berardenga has been a destination for artists all around the world and for every age, and is today an excellence in the field of agrituristic hospitality.
Great wines, fine oil, mushrooms, sheep’s cheeses and cold cuts are not to be missed. Slow City, Wine City, Oil City and Orange Flag of the Touring Club. Its web of cycling routes is large and diverse with the Tour Chianti Classic that perfectly frames the territory. The Eroica and Strade Bianche routes affect the territory in long and suggestive traits. For the cycle-touring lovers, the Romea Sanese path with its Guelph and Ghibelline variants and the Gallo Nero, Crete Senesi and Senesi hills crossings offer interesting and original routes. Other tours and minor circular paths consent to gain great knowledge of the sweet and wavy hills that compose the territory, without missing the challenging climbs of the Monteluco.