The path of Via Romea Sanese, born in the Middle Ages, connected Florence to Siena through the Chianti region following an even more ancient Etruscan path of the ridge. The road was used by merchants, soldiers, wayfarers who chose it to travel to Rome as an alternative to the valley routes such as Francigena. If Sigeric preferred Francigena, Otto III, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, and Pope Leo X, preferred the Romea route in their travels.
However, being the road that joined two cities like Florence and Siena in perpetual conflict, it also became the route chosen to move troops from one place to another as evidenced by many historical documents.
Today the Salinvolpe Archaeological Group, the FIE Association «Camminando a Quercegrossa» and the municipality of Castellina in Chianti, leader of eight municipalities, work for the enhancement of the path not neglecting also a bike route that provides a main route and two variants with the Quercegrossa center: the Guelph and Ghibelline follow the traces of the two armies at war.
We recommend using bikes suitable to face also dirt roads.