Twin route of the Senese Chianti Tour that finds its connection point and exchange in Radda in Chianti. The cyclist now has two options: keep exploring the Fiorentine stops or the Senese ones. A real dilemma for the beauty of both routes, from a cycling, historic and scenic point of view. A doubt that can be resolved only by trying them both. After all, Radda is not far from Fonterutoli, where the borders of the two cities have been established by an unusual horse race. It is said that in the Middle Ages the two cities, at war with each other, decided to put an end to their disputes by choosing a knight for each city that would have had to leave at a rooster’s singing in the direction of Chianti. In the meeting point, the borders of the cities would have been set. The white Senese rooster, well-fed, sang at dawn, while the black Florentine rooster, left with no food inside an uncomfortable cage, sang before the sun rose, giving its city an advantage that allowed the Florentine knight to travel further ahead and reach Fonterutoli. The route is composed of a total of 158km with an elevation gain of 3.601m to be pursued in more than one step, maybe even in a few days if one wants to fully enjoy the beauties of the territory.